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Página 63
an essay in the phenomenology of mysticism Nelson Pike. a friend. ... Teresa
said that she "saw," that is, "perceived," Christ in physical space, just off her right
hand. ... In modern Christian mystical theological texts, this experience is almost
always used as the teaching case when the notion of intellectual vision is
Página 89
The focus will thus be on chapter 2 of Stace's Mysticism and Philosophy (1960)
and on the materials contained in the general introduction to his reader The
Teachings of the Mystics (1960). My task in this chapter will be to explicate these ...
Página 90
This point receives considerable attention in both of Stace's texts. In Teachings of
the Mystics the point is framed as follows: Now the mystical consciousness is
quite different from this (i.e., our ordinary sensory-intellectual consciousness].
Página 91
For in this seeing we neither distinguish nor are there two. The man ... is merged
with the Supreme, one with it. Only in separation is there duality. 2. Stace,
Teachings of the Mystics, 13. 3. Stace, Mysticism and Philosophy, 161 and 178. 4
Página 92
an essay in the phenomenology of mysticism Nelson Pike ... a flight of the alone
to the alone.6 Stace says that this passage contains a "perfect specimen
description" of the introvertive mystical state. ... See Stace, Teachings of the
Mystics, 15.
Página 93
By itself, this does not seem paradoxical — no more so than does a canvas upon
which nothing is painted or a stage that is empty though the footlights are on. Still,
there is probably a point to. 7. See Stace, Teachings of the Mystics, 15. 8.
Página 98
In The Teachings of the Mystics, Stace writes as follows concerning the
distinction between experience and interpretation: On a dark night out of doors
one may see something glimmering white. One person may think it is a ghost. A
second ...
Página 105
an essay in the phenomenology of mysticism Nelson Pike ... Stace's view seems
to be that despite the (alleged) hastily added qualifying clauses that project an
orthodox dualistic metaphysical posture, ... Stace, Teachings of the Mystics, 24.
Página 106
Stace, Teachings of the Mystics, 24. Negative remarks about Teresa's intellectual
and emotional qualities can be found throughout Stace's writings on mysticism.
See, for example, Stace, Mysticism and Philosophy, 26, 66, 68, 80. 19. Stace ...
Página 110
Recall that this was the point emphasized in the passage from The Teachings of
the Mystics cited near the beginning of Section i of Chapter 5. There Stace
allowed that certain insects and animals may have sensations unlike those
enjoyed by ...
Página 152
an essay in the phenomenology of mysticism Nelson Pike ... This point is boldly
emphasized in Teresa's report, where the object perceived is assigned a place in
physical space distinct from, though ... See Stace, Teachings of 152 ] Mystic
Página 154
The remaining two sections will contain a defense of the account to be proposed.
i. Stace's Revised Analysis of "Union" I shall begin by reviewing a passage from
chapter 6 of The Teachings of the Mystics in which Stace comments on what he ...
Página 155
This is very difficult to swallow. It seems to depend on the metaphor of being
burned up, It seems much more likely that Ruysbroeck is reading. i. In John of
Ruysbroeck, 185-86. See Stace, Teachings of the Mystics, 160. I should mention
that in ...
Página 158
an essay in the phenomenology of mysticism Nelson Pike. Though I have not had
occasion to mention it before, in Mysticism and Philosophy and again in the
introduction to The Teachings of the Mystics, Stace's mystical typology included
two ...
Página 197
an essay in the phenomenology of mysticism Nelson Pike ... describes as "the
necessary inquiry into the logical and social-contextual conditions of mystical
experience which would justify rejecting Stace's simplistic distinction" (31). ... All
Jewish mystical literature reflects this teaching of devekuth as a goal to be sought
and, ...
Página 210
Dualism, in other words, is imposed on the mystical community from an outside
force. This point is emphasized in chapter 6 of The Teachings of the Mystics.
Here Stace says, for example: In Christianity the Roman church was so powerful
that ...
Página 217
Exploring Mysticism: A Methodological Essay. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1975. Stace, Walter T. Mysticism and Philosophy. Philadelphia: Lippincott,
1960. . The Teachings of the Mystics. New York: New American Library, 1960.